Reconstruction of ear lobes

The reconstruction of the ear lobe is a simple surgical procedure whose objective is the restoration of possible traumatic tears that, in most cases, have been produced by the use of earrings, piercings and even dilations.
Otoplasty or ear surgery is an extremely simple and risk-free surgical intervention that can pursue different objectives. The most common, however, is to restore possible traumatic tears caused mostly by earrings, piercings or dilations.
The result is the recovery of the lobe to its original state. The scar may be slightly visible during the first months due to its soft pinkish coloration, but it will gradually disappear over the days.
In addition, this intervention will not prevent the patient from having new perforations, quite the opposite. A month after the reconstruction, it will be possible to wear earrings again.
The second most common reason for undergoing otoplasty in Valencia is undoubtedly to correct the hellix valgus deformity, more commonly known as protrusion ears.
In this case, the scar will be behind the ear, so from the first moment it will be completely invisible. The result, of course, will be natural-looking ears in accordance with the aesthetic canon pursued by the patient himself.
In neither case will general anesthesia be necessary, but the application of local anesthesia assisted by sedation will suffice.
As we have said, otoplasty is an extremely simple procedure that allows the patient to quickly return to normal life. In this way, after the surgery the patient will be discharged the same day of the intervention or after only 24 hours from it. The applied bandage will be removed during the first week and replaced by an elastic band that will have to be maintained especially during the night’s rest.
As in any type of intervention, strong activities or the development of physical exercise should be postponed for the time indicated by our dermatologist surgeons. However, the patient may develop those daily activities that require minimal and / or medium effort from him until he is fully recovered, a fact that in any case will not require much time from the intervention.