Peeling depigmentation

The depigmenting peeling is a not very aggressive and very effective alternative for the treatment of spots such as melasma and chloasma, which has made it one of the aesthetic treatments more popular in recent years.
Depigmenting treatment
What is depigmenting peeling?
It is an ideal and unique alternative for the treatment of melasma and chloasma-type stains, since at present we have very few weapons for this type of stains.
Since the use of laser or IPL is contraindicated, the depigmenting treatment chosen to combat melasma is the combination of depigmenting creams and photoprotection measures.
Depigmenting creams are effective, although the results appear after several months of treatment.
At present we can increase and accelerate the result of this type of depigmenting treatments by carrying out a protocol that consists of performing four peeling sessions.
It is a simple procedure that is carried out in the consultation itself and whose result leads to obtaining a whiter, uniform and luminous skin.
What does this treatment consist of?
1st session: AC peeling. Glycolic + retinoic peeling.
It is done with a cream-gel texture preparation and is applied to the face and neck (including the décolleté and the back of the hands). Let it act for 5 to 10 min. and is neutralized.
It is a preparatory peel to attack melasma more intensely with subsequent peels.
2nd session: Jessner peel + retinoic peel.
This peeling is of prolonged contact, that is, it is not neutralized.
It is applied in the consultation and the patient will remove it at home after 3-4 hours.
It will only be removed with water, without using soap.
3rd session: Strong melasma mask.
Like the previous one, it is of prolonged contact.
It is applied in the consultation and the patient will remove it at home after 6-8 hours.
It will only be removed with water, without soap.
4th session: Buffered phenol peel.
It is a final peeling, it serves to give luminosity and uniformity to the skin.
Like the previous ones, it is applied in consultation and is removed at home after 4 hours.